The TV3 extends on-line monitoring capability to single phase substation equipment.
The TV-3 measures three surface temperatures, determines the average mean temperature and displays the peak minus average temperature. The system is SCADA ready with local indications for A, B, C, average and peak variance temperatures.
The system includes three SCADA analog output channels and three independently adjustable dry contact relays for local alarming functions. Factory alarm settings are 10 ºC for ordinary, 20 ºC for urgent, and 100 ºC for high temperature. Alarm setpoints are easily changed on or off site. Uses include monitoring three single phase transformers, single phase regulators and three oil tank circuit breakers, etc.
<%=company%>, 2239 Valdes Court, Santa Rosa, California 95403 Phone: 707-527-8254 Fax: 707-542-9730