The CableCURE® Warranty

Source: UTILX Corporation

Be Confident...with our 20 year full money-back warranty.

Read the big print

For twenty years after proactive cable injection of a cable, if you are not satisfied with the CableCURE service delivery or performance, UtilX will provide a cash refund for the full original price paid for the treated segment.

Read the fine print
CUSTOMER shall provide UtilX with a CableCURE warranty tag and a completed CableCURE Warranty Claim form. The warranty tag identifies the Segment of cable that has failed or that is otherwise unsatisfactory to CUSTOMER. A Segment of cable is the length between two terminations, and is identified with a unique 8-digit number at each termination with a pair of CableCURE warranty tags.

Your sole and exclusive remedy will be a cash refund equal to the full original installation price paid for the CableCURE service. UtilX shall not be liable for any additional damages or any incidental or consequential damages for any claims, including but not limited to breach of warranty and breach of contract.

Read the disclaimer
This warranty and exclusive remedy are in lieu of any and all other warranties or remedies, written or unwritten, express or implied, and UtilX hereby expressly disclaims any other express warranty and any implied warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. No employee or agent of UtilX is authorized to grant any warranty that is greater or different than this warranty.

This warranty is governed by the laws of the State of Washington, and the venue under this Agreement will be Seattle, Washington.

Then rest assured
CableCURE fluid has been injected into more than 60 million feet of cable around the world over the last 17 years with a 99+% success rate. This outstanding warranty is backed by UtilX's full faith and is fully insured.

NOTE: UtilX requests that if the cable has experienced a dielectric failure, the Customer supply the Segment of failed cable to UtilX for complimentary failure analysis. UtilX uses the failure analysis to refine the CableCURE rejuvenation chemistry and injection process.

Be completely confident!