Settlement One
Source: Utility Settlement Ontario Inc
In the new market you will be required to calculate the commodity cost for all customers based on the hourly spot market rate
In the new market you will be required to calculate the commodity cost for all customers based on the hourly spot market rate. In addition you will be required to estimate hourly consumption for non-interval metered customers and allocate distribution losses and unaccounted for energy in a fair and equitable manner. Settlement One will enable you to meet these obligations. Settlement One is a software package
developed specifically to meet the retail settlement needs of the Ontario market. The software will be operating at a number of pilot sites prior to full commercial release.
developed specifically to meet the retail settlement needs of the Ontario market. The software will be operating at a number of pilot sites prior to full commercial release.
Modern, Proven and Easy To Use
its functionality is based on the Market Design Committee Final Report Appendix 6, Section 3 Final processes are to be approved by the OEB in the Retail Settlement Code. Settlement One will meet these requirements. In essence, the system will allow LDC's to determine the commodity related financial obligations of all end-use customers in the LDC service area and also enable the LDC to collect sufficient funds to pay the monthly IMO commodity bill.
Settlement One is Y2K compliant.
Utility Settlement Ontario Inc, P.O. Box 189, 55 Thompson Road South, Milton, ON L9T 4N9. Tel: 905-876-4282; Fax: 905-876-3128.
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