
Series 220 Reusable Oil-Sorbent Eels

Source: Strategic Environmental Products, Inc.
Whether your spilled oil problem is along the shore line, around a leaky barrel, under a low clearance, or hard to get to machine, these eels are ideal...
Whether your spilled oil problem is along the shore line, around a leaky barrel, under a low clearance, or hard to get to machine, these eels are ideal. Depending on the size they can absorb between 1 1/4 gallons to 2 1/4 gallons. Then wring the eels with the series 502 duo-purpose recovery machine, or hand wringers.

Strategic Environmental Products, Inc., 233 Downy Branch Court, Jacksonville, FL 32225. Tel: 904-220-6655; Fax: 904-221-9511.