
Pole Top Extensions

Pole Top Extensions
Highline supplies Pole Top Extensions
Highline supplies Pole Top Extensions
  • Lightweight= Ease of Installation
  • Strength Tested @ PECO LABS
  • Excellent Weatherability
  • UV Resistant = Long Life

Highline Pole Top Extentions offer SAVINGS to your company.

  • Eliminates need to replace entire pole.
  • Reduces or eliminates need for traffic control personnel.
  • Existing wiring & top equipment can be left untouched.

Fiberglass Utility Pole Top Extensions - A Highline Case History


Thanks to a suggestion by a company lineman, PECO Energy installed new 72-inch fiberglass utility poletop extensions that paid for itself within a short period of time. These high-strength, long-life extensions, manufactured by Highline Products, provide the proper six-foot clearance between circuits and eliminate the need to replace the entire pole. From an aesthetic point of view, these 72-inch fiberglass poletop extensions look identical to existing wooden utility poles in shape, texture and color. From an installation standpoint, the Highline extensions weigh just 70 pounds, so they're easy to install.

When asked why PECO, a utility servicing 4,000,000 people within a 2,475 square-mile area, chose Highline poletop extensions, Electrical Engineer Walter S. Lacey said, "In 1975, we rigorously tested Highline's 54-inch poletop extension and liked what we saw. Since that time, we've installed several thousand of their 54-inch extensions, so Highline was our first choice to create the 72-inch model."

Highline Pole Tops

  • Drilled to your specifications (can be drilled in the field).
  • Variety of sizes to match application need (36",54",72",120").
  • Aesthetically identical to existing pole in shape, texture and color.

N/A, 800 South Street, Waltham, MA 02453. Tel: 781-736-0002; Fax: 781-647-3607.