Source: Beckwith Electric Co., Inc.
Regulates voltage by controlling the tapchanger of an LTC transformer
Regulates voltage by controlling the tapchanger of an LTC transformer.
Adaptive control feature significantly reduces number of tap changes for a given Voltage Regulation Quality Factor (VRGF).
Uses proprietary sampling to measure fundamental voltage, watts and VArs at a rate of 20 times per second.
Operationsl from -40°C to +80°C.
Protective restraint of tap switch operation as a function of load current above a setpoint.
Local user interface is through an opto-isolated RS-232 front panel port.
Enhanced data output display with SLIMcomTM software.
Transformer tap position "keep track" knowledge available using customer-provided contact inputs.
Meets or exceeds ANSI/IEEE C57.15-1986 for voltage accuracy.
VAr Bias feature included to induce M-2501/A capacitor controls on load feeders to operate to optimize VAr profile.
Beckwith Electric Co., Inc., 6190 - 118th Avenue North, Largo, FL 33773-3724. Tel: 727-544-2326; Fax: 727-546-0121.