
M-2667 Autodaptive® Tapchanger Control

Source: Beckwith Electric Co., Inc.
Regulates voltage by controlling the tapchanger of an LTC transformer
  • Regulates voltage by controlling the tapchanger of an LTC transformer.
  • Adaptive control feature significantly reduces number of tap changes for a given Voltage Regulation Quality Factor (VRGF).
  • Uses proprietary sampling to measure fundamental voltage, watts and VArs at a rate of 20 times per second.
  • Operationsl from -40°C to +80°C.
  • Protective restraint of tap switch operation as a function of load current above a setpoint.
  • Local user interface is through an opto-isolated RS-232 front panel port.
  • Enhanced data output display with SLIMcomTM software.
  • Transformer tap position "keep track" knowledge available using customer-provided contact inputs.
  • Meets or exceeds ANSI/IEEE C57.15-1986 for voltage accuracy.
  • VAr Bias feature included to induce M-2501/A capacitor controls on load feeders to operate to optimize VAr profile.

    Beckwith Electric Co., Inc., 6190 - 118th Avenue North, Largo, FL 33773-3724. Tel: 727-544-2326; Fax: 727-546-0121.