Line Traps
Source: Ritz Instrument Transformers, Inc.
High voltage lines can be used to transmit R. F. carrier signals for the purposes of voice communication, remote signaling and control
High voltage lines can be used to transmit R. F. carrier signals for the purposes of voice communication, remote signaling and control. The frequency range from 30 to 500 kHz has proven to be advantageous for high frequency carrier transmission. Line traps are used to minimize the losses of the R. F. carrier signals. They are therefore series connected with the high voltage lines on the substation side and must be designed to withstand the maximum continuous and short-time currents that will occur. Certain characteristic values such as impedance, the resistive component of impedance and attenuation must remain above given minimum values within the band-width of the line trap.
Current ratings up to 5000 A are available with inductances up to 2 mH.
Single-frequency, dual-frequency, and wide-band tuning is available in either a factory-fixed or a field-adjustable option. Special tuning ranges and blocking impedances outside of those specified in the standards are available by special request.
Standard mounting configurations are vertical pedestal mounting, horizontal pedestal mounting and vertical suspension mounting. Other mounting options are available upon special request.
Ritz Instrument Transformers, Inc., One Ritz Avenue, Waynesboro, GA 30830. Tel: 706-554-8800; Fax: 706-554-8808.
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