
InfiNet Essentials

Source: Cellnet
InfiNet Essentials is one of the host software applications of the InfiNet network, the new offering from Cellnet suite of real-time energy management solutions

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InfiNet Essentials is one of the host software applications of the InfiNet network, the new offering from Cellnet suite of real-time energy management solutions. Perfectly positioned for smaller or strategic deployments, this InfiNet host is designed for ease of installation, integration, and maintenance. Targeted for deployments up to 50K meters. Essentials is plug-and-play, featuring an auto-install, and is easily run on a standard desktop or laptop computer. Through a secure Web-based application, this host enables you to collect meter reads, to process the reads and display them through data service applications, or to export them for integration into your existing utility software applications.


  • Data collection
  • Data management
  • Data interpretation

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Brochure: InfiNet Essentials