
Industrial Control Transformers

Source: Hammond Power Solutions Inc.
The Hammond line of molded machine tool control transformers, including the PH, PT, PTD, and PHD series, are specifically designed for high inrush applications
The Hammond line of molded machine tool control transformers, including the PH, PT, PTD, and PHD series, are specifically designed for high inrush applications requiring reliable output voltage stability. Designed to meet industrial applications where electromagnetic devices such as relays, solenoids, etc. are used, these transformers maximize inrush capability and output voltage regulation when electromagnetic devices are initially energized. For an economical approach for control transformers, where a machine tool rating is not required, the SL series is the transformer of choice.

The PT, PTD series are rated for 50/60 Hz, are UL, CSA and CE marked and are available from 25VA to 7500VA in over 19 voltages. The PH, PHD and SL are rated for 60 Hz are UL and CSA approved and are also available from 25VA to 7500VA in over 20 voltages. The PHD and PTD are specifically designed for Din Rail mounting applications. Optional primary and secondary fuse blocks are available.

Hammond Power Solutions Inc. , 595 Southgate Drive, Guelph, ON N1G 3W6. Tel: 519-822-2441; Fax: 519-822-9701.