
Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics

Source: CRC Press LLC
The numerical simulation of fluid mechanics and heat transfer problems is now a standard part of engineering
The numerical simulation of fluid mechanics and heat transfer problems is now a standard part of engineering practice. The widespread availability of capable computing hardware has led to an increased demand for computer simulations of products and processes during their engineering design and manufacturing phases. The range of fluid mechanics and heat transfer applications of finite element analysis has become quite remarkable, with complex, realistic simulations being carried out on a routine basis.

The second edition of "The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics" provides the academic community and industry with up-to-date, authoritative information on the use of the finite element method in the study of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Extensively revised and thoroughly updated, new and expanded material includes discussions on difficult boundary conditions, contact and bulk nodes, change of phase, weighted-integral statements and weak forms, chemically reactive systems, stabilized methods, free surface problems, and much more. It offers readers a pragmatic treatment that views numerical computation as a means to and end and does not dwell on theory or proof. Mastering its contents brings a firm understanding of the basic methodology, competence in using existing simulation software, and the ability to develop some simpler, special purpose computer codes.

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