Ground Sets
Source: Sicame Corp.
In the context of the IEC-1230 international standard, CATU offers a range of grounding systems
In the context of the IEC-1230 international standard, CATU offers a range of grounding systems for substations and lines. This equipment is fitted with silicone-sheathed cables and double/triple-crimped lugs at both ends: crimped once or twice to the cable itself and once to the cable envelope.
This type of connection has been mechanically tested by simultaneous traction and twisting, followed by a proofing test in a soda bath. Before the short-circuiting tests, all components of this equipment are subject to a cycle of 168 hours in a salt fog for artificial aging.
The systems withstand a rating on clamps of 8 and 17.5 kA-60 cycles (1 s)
Sicame Corp., 287 Northland Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246. Tel: 513-772-3423; Fax: 513-772-3429.
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