Event Recorder Option of TDMARK-V
Event Recorder (Power Quality) Option
The TDMARK-V meter is available with an event recorder system which functions to record several categories of events including:
- Power Quality Events
- Vector Analysis (meter installation or tampering errors)
- Control Output and Status Input operations
- Meter Diagnostics Events
- Meter Operations Events
Events under each of these categories can be individually enabled for transaction logging in the event recorder memory, and if desired, can also trigger an alert via the communications port. The event recorder memory can store up to 256 events in the order of occurrence.
The event recorder memory can be retrieved using any of the register based communications ports including the telephone modem for remote retrieval, or RS232/RS485 ports. The event recorder lists the event, the date of the event, the time of the event, and where appropriate, the duration of the event.
The Power Quality category includes events dealing with breaker operations, sags and swells, and power outages. Using the programming software, these events are specified by the number of cycles and voltage magnitude change to trigger the event recording. All power quality events are measured with one cycle resolution. This system will provide the Electricity retailer with a concrete measurement of the level of customer service provided by the distribution system operator. The report section of the event log will list which phase or phases actually had the event.
The Vector Analysis category includes all the tests of the TDMARK-V vector analysis system. The event recorder system will record each time any of the vector analysis tests fail. The vector analysis tests selected are enabled during meter programming.
The Control Outputs and Status Inputs category of events allow the recording of each operation of any of the five control outputs and either of the two status inputs by date and time.
The Meter Diagnostics category of events enables the date and time recording of any detected errors found in the TDMARK-V meter. Each diagnostic category can be enabled for the event recorder during meter programming.
The Meter Operations category includes a list of miscellaneous operations performed on or by the meter that can be logged by date and time. Each operation category can be enabled for the event recorder during meter programming.