Effective Troubleshooting Using Electrical Drawings
Source: Lewellyn Technology
Effective Troubleshooting Using Electrical Drawings I and II are courses designed to teach the participant how to understand electrical drawings and how they are used in troubleshooting...
Effective Troubleshooting Using Electrical Drawings I and II are courses designed to teach the participant how to understand electrical drawings and how they are used in troubleshooting. Participants analyze drawings to help learn symbols and understand the operation of a circuit, and they are shown the structure of electrical drawings and how they can be used to find problems in a control circuit. Additionally, the course teaches how to use electrical drawings to gain a better understanding of the control circuit for equipment.
The advanced class covers topics including power distribution, international drawings, PLC ladder drawings, and troubleshooting. Participants learn to read and understand three-phase power distribution drawings and electrical drawings for PLC controlled equipment. Additionally, the course teaches basic electrical symbols and standards associated with international electrical prints. Also explained is how to interpret detailed numerical cross-reference systems. These cross-reference systems are explained using actual drawings, including international drawings.
Lewellyn Technology, PO Box 618, Linton, IN 47441. Tel: 800-242-6673; Fax: 800-872-9397.
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