DayCor(R) Classic
DayCor® Classic is a robust bi-spectral UV-Visible imaging system, designed to assist the power industry in their routine, predictive and preventive maintenance tasks performed during testing and research. Supported by a tripod and equipped with a special set of close up lenses Classic is an ideal indoors inspection device. Being absolute solar blind permits working in full illuminated areas. The integral bright LCD, narrow optical angle and high sensitivity enable noticing, imaging and capturing small details. The Classic has a fully functional remote control and an optional documentation package to record the findings for later processing and reporting. DayCor® Classic is most fit for high QA testing by grid components manufacturers.
The DayCor® Classic solar blind bi-spectral imaging system is the most sensitive device that pinpoints surface faint UVc emissions in full daylight, used mainly by research institutes, high voltage testing labs, academies etc. worldwide.
Proven records of hundreds of satisfied customers/users worldwide.
Absolute solar blind allows inspection during very bright sunny conditions, during dim light as well as at dark with artificial light.
DayCor® Classic is robust, reliable and with proven endurance to extreme ambient conditions
DayCor® Classic is definitely the most sensitive UVc detection apparatus with absolute solar blind performance
DayCor® Classic does not need periodic calibration
DayCor® Classic is bi-spectral, consisting of both UV and visible channels, with accurate output images of the corona and its surrounding scene. Output incorporates additional optional data.
DayCor® Classic has a CE - Certificate of Conformity with EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, Article 7(1) based on results of tests and measurements, performed by Hermon Laboratories.
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