
Uprated Cooling Systems

Source: Weidmann Systems International
Weidmann-ACTI develops a thermal model of the existing design, evaluates the design and current condition of the cooling system components (analytical study and/or on-site thermographic inspection)
To provide added load capability or to reduce temperature for highly loaded units, the current cooling system can be re-engineered and uprated in a variety of ways. Weidmann-ACTI develops a thermal model of the existing design, evaluates the design and current condition of the cooling system components (analytical study and/or on-site thermographic inspection). In many cases for units which are top oil temperature limited, the cooling system uprate enables the unit to carry more load and remain within the winding hot spot and top oil temperature limits. As an option Weidmann can also provide a turn-key field uprate service, which includes the selection, supply, and installation of the uprated cooling system.