Article | March 10, 2009

AMI: Keeping The Go In A Whoa Economy

Source: Utilimetrics: The Utility Technology Association

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AMI: Keeping The Go In A Whoa Economy

By R. Bryan Seal, P.E., Head, Smart Grid Solutions, SmartSynch Inc.
Utilimetrics Board of Trustees

Our industry is watching our new president's every move very closely, particularly when it comes to the smart grid. With the Obama administration, a light is shining on our nations' electricity grid with the imperative to rebuild it into a green, intelligent energy delivery system helped by government support in the neighborhood of billions of dollars. The onus is on us to deliver on this promise, both a daunting task and an incredible opportunity.

However, we live in a world of complex equations. Who would have thought last September that so much would have changed financially so quickly and added magnitudes of challenge. Almost overnight we all found ourselves re-evaluating our cash positions and deciding how best to weather the current financial storm. For utilities, this means taking a hard look at capital and operational expenditure plans and only moving forward with those projects that are absolutely necessary or are mandated by law to complete. Many, who were beginning or in the midst of AMI deployments are now taking a second look at their plans. The common conclusion coming out of this re-evaluation exercise is to slow deployments until the financial world become a little clearer.

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AMI: Keeping The Go In A Whoa Economy