ADSS Medium and Transmission Design
The high-capacity, self-supporting cable offers great flexibility for placement on overhead transmission towers, eliminating the need for a support messenger. ADSS cables are used extensively by power companies, municipalities, telephone companies and cable TV providers on distribution systems in metropolitan areas, and in long span, extra high voltage (EHV)transmission right-of-ways.
ADSS cable is not limited to a specific tower location, and can be installed without interruption of power service to customers. The cable is not affected by electro-magnetic fields, and thus, data is transmitted error-free.
AFL also custom designs aerial cables to fit specific cable network applications. Cables can be designed for span lengths in excess of 2 kilometers (6,500 feet), and for installation on ultra high voltage power transmission lines. For more information on custom designs call 1-800-AFL-FIBER.
The equipment, hardware, and procedures used in the installation of ADSS cable are generally the same as those utilized in the installation of power utility transmission or distribution lines. The cable support hardware requires no special tools and only minimal training is needed for assembly.
The lightweight, self-supporting cable allows rapid and economic deployment of the cable, typically exceeding 4 to 5 km per day.
AFL Telecommunications, 260 Parkway East, Hillside Industrial Park, Duncan, SC 29334. Tel: 864-433-5569; Fax: 864-433-5353.