
On-Site Laser Data Collection

Source: React Ltd.
Turbine Field Engineers using REACT in-house manufactured laser equipment, collect Laser Alignment readings providing accurate, repeatable component positions
React Ltd.ld Engineers using <%=company%> in-house manufactured laser equipment, collect Laser Alignment readings providing accurate, repeatable component positions.

Alignment Consultants
• REACT coordinates the alignment data collection during the disassembly of the turbine.
• REACT laser system installed in unit.
• REACT analyzes disassembly conditions and recommends alignment program alternatives.
• REACT will return to site at reassembly to coordinate positioning of the internal components.
• REACT collects laser alignment data and analyzes readings using the DIA-LINEtm computer program.
• A final alignment report will be issued at conclusion of on-site work.

Alignment Program Management
• REACT works with the customer prior to the outage to incorporate alignment procedures into the outage schedule.
• After disassembly of the turbine and shooting of the initial laser line, REACT prepares an Initial Alignment Report, detailing the as found unit conditions as well as the balance of the alignment program.
• REACT returns at reassembly to collect required alignment data with the REACT Laser System.
• A Final Alignment Report is issued within two weeks of leaving the job using DIA-LINEtm Computer Anaylsis Software and overhaul progress reports to create a data base for that specific turbine.

The Entire Laser System Package will contribute to:
• Shorten outage with non-obstructive Centerline data gathering.
• Tops On Laser Lines in less than one shift.
• Quality Control move confirmation.
• Accurate and repeatable definitions of the state of the unit.