White Paper

GPS Verification For Leak Detection And Repair

Source: Juniper Systems

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White Paper: GPS Verification For Leak Detection And Repair

By Juniper Systems

In striving to solve the critical issues facing today's society, one would consider pollution, climate change, financial losses, and threats to health and safety as legitimate concerns. In efforts to reduce impact of the aforementioned issues, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed fugitive emissions compliance programs in which companies in the refining and chemical industry are legally bound to run compliant Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) programs. These programs specify criteria for record keeping and reporting, which may in turn be audited by enforcement agencies to ensure that chemical processing equipment is being consistently monitored and proper measurements are being taken.

The inability to verify that accurate data was recorded has been a major problem in the LDAR industry for years. State and federal agencies that enforce environmental air compliance regulations know this and have been proactively auditing facilities to determine if data recorded was accurate and honest. If the auditor questions GPS Verification for Leak Detection and Repair the information in any way, the company has to prove the who, what, when, where, and how for each component that was inspected. LDAR program managers can examine inspection results for each reading that is logged in the field, but there has not been a conclusive way to validate that the technician was where he or she was supposed to be when the reading was taken.

For companies looking for a conclusive means to validate Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) data collected in the field, no other solution delivers peace of mind like the Archer with integrated GlobalSat GPS and LeakDAS® Mobile Edition software. Companies can rest assured knowing that accurate and defendable air compliance information has been submitted to regulatory agencies, fines will be avoided, operational efficiencies will be realized, and productivity will increase while harmful emissions are reduced.

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White Paper: GPS Verification For Leak Detection And Repair