
Bucket Truck and Digger Derrick Test and Inspection

Source: American Test Center
Properly maintained and tested aerial devices are essential to the safe and economical operation of a fleet
Properly maintained and tested aerial devices are essential to the safe and economical operation of a fleet. Operators and their co-workers rely on the aerial devices to perform structurally, mechanically, functionally and dielectrically as intended.

Why Should Aerial Devices Be Tested?

Aerial devices have been designed and built with adequate safety factors however in-service accidents, overloads, and fatigue can cause problems to develop. Also, regular annual inspections are required by OSHA and ANSI. A thorough, regularly scheduled inspection and test program can identify developing problems before they cause injuries or downtime. Early identification of defects are less expensive to repair than if they are left to develop into major failures. Many equipment managers have experienced substantial monetary savings by using written test reports to obtain competitive quotations for repairing, rebuilding, and remounting.

American Test Center provides annual test and inspection at your site by a well-equipped two-man crew of nondestructive technicians who are experienced in structural and dielectric testing. They are supported by a staff of professional engineers, Level III technicians and equipment specialists.

American Test Center performs the following tests and inspections:

Structural Tests
A. Visual Inspection
B. Acoustic Emission Test
C. Magnetic Particle Inspection
D. Dye Penetrant Inspection
E. Ultrasonic Inspection
F. Torque Testing

Functional and Operational Test
Dielectric Test (AC or DC)
Report and Certification
Location and Scheduling

American Test Center, 3540 Hoffman Road E., St. Paul, MN 55110. Tel: 800-451-9087; Fax: 651-770-2003.